Program for jubileumskonferansen 9.- 11.mars 2018

  • Ukategorisert

Konferansen holdes på Radisson Blu Royal Garden hotell i Trondheim

Hedersgjest: Erik Tandberg

Fredag 9.mars

19 00 Samling i lobbyen
19 30 Avreise til Trondheim astronomiske forenings observatorium
Kle deg godt! Om det er mulig gjør vi observasjoner
Transport privatbiler (taxi kan bli ca 100 kr per person betales på stedet)
22 00(ca) Tilbake til hotellet

Lørdag 10.mars

9 00 – 10 00 Kaffe/te ved ankomst, registrering
10 00 – 10 30 Velkomst ved Norsk astronomisk selskap
Presentasjon av Trondheim Astronomiske forening og deres aktiviteter
Meteoritter og meteorer
10 30 – 11 00 Steinar Midtskogen/Norsk meteornettverk
11 00 – 11 15 Pause med servering


11 15 – 12 15 Erik Tandberg /Bemannede romferder

12 15 – 13 00 Lunsj


13 00 – 13 45 Max Gronke — Title: The distant Universe as seen through Lyman-alpha

The Lyman-alpha (Lya) line of neutral hydrogen is the most prominent
emission line in the Universe, and now provides us with a unique window into the
highest redshifts.
This was, however, not always the case and it took years of hard work from its
predicted observability to newly recorded Lya spectra on a daily
basis. In this presentation, I want to talk about the modern usage of
Lya to (i) understand and constrain the last phase transition of the
Universe – the Epoch of Reionization, and (ii) to study the cold gas
supplies of galaxies which are essential for their formation and

13 45 – 14 15 Håkon Dahle/Gravitasjonslinser

14 15 – 15 00 Øyvind Grøn/Gravitasjonsbølger

15 00 – 15 15 Kaffepause


15 15 – 16 00 Tiago Pereira — Title: Chasing the elusive 1% of solar light

Over the last decade, solar astronomers have increasingly focused on the
mysterious 1% of solar radiation that is not emitted at the solar
surface. The solar flux is 99% optical and infrared radiation, but a
small number of high-energy photons comes to us from higher layers in
the solar atmosphere. These layers hold the key to understanding what
drives powerful solar storms and how  energy is transported across the
atmospheres of stars. It is, however, very difficult to observe those
regions: they are not only faint, but events there occur very quickly
and in small scales. I will detail recent advances in instrumentation
that make these observations possible, and how they are changing our
views of the Sun.

Astronomiske observatorier

16 00 – 16 30 Jan-Erik Solheim
På jakt etter det skarpeste bilde.
Historien om Nordisk astronomisk teleskop ved observatoriet på kanariøya La Palma.

16 30 – 17 00 Spørsmål/debatt med foredragsholdere

20 00 – 23 00 Festmiddag m/premieutdeling astrofotokonkurranse

(jury: NAS-styret)


Søndag 11.mars

10 30 – 12 00 Planetariet/Vitensenteret (ca 105 kr per person betales på stedet, tar ca 10 min å gå)

Konferansen, som har 80 deltakere, er stengt for nye påmeldinger!